How long does the frequency stay imprinted in my jewellery?
Once the jewellery has been imprinted with our healing frequencies it has a lifetime guarantee on the frequency. It will work just as well 10 years from now as it does today.
How long does it take for us to imprint the frequency onto your bangles?
It takes us 3-5 days to charge our items with healing frequencies & isopathic remedies that are imprinted onto your bangles. This ensures that they are fully charged and tested.
Do I have to wear my jewellery all the time?
Yes, we encourage you to wear your jewellery all the time. Einstein's theory is if you take a charged particle and touch it to a body of water no matter how large or small that body is it will take on that frequency. The human body is 83% water so we are an excellent conductor. The jewellery must be in contact with the skin to absorb the healing frequency.
Do You Need Frequency Technology?
In the era of “technology” that we presently live in, there is a hidden pollution that we do not hear, smell, touch, taste or feel. This pollution is referred to as EMF (electro-magnetic fields). These are caused by cell phones, microwaves, Wifi, power lines, etc. All of these foreign frequencies interrupt the signals in your brain trying to send messages (and energy) to all parts of your body. This is why we are weaker, unbalanced and more fatigued than we should be.
What frequency should I get?
You can either choose the frequency based on the description of it, or let your intuition guide you and gravitate you towards the one you feel is needed in your life.
Can I have my own jewellery imprinted with the frequency?
Yes, we imprint jewellery daily for clients all over the world! Just send us an email and we will provide secure shipping instructions.
How Does Our Technology Work?
When the frequency technology comes into contact with your skin, through the water in your body, you are now resonating the same as the imprinted frequency you have ordered. Thus, the body can operate at its optimum efficiency and all signals are clear and are being sent properly. Once your body is utilizing its own energy it will reduce or eliminate body pain, regain your natural strength and balance, give you more energy, help you heal faster and aid in your quality of sleep.
Can my jewellery get wet?
Yes, we encourage you to wear your jewellery all the time. You can wear it in the shower, washing the dishes, in the garden, yoga class, in the swimming pool, anywhere you want.
Can it cure my Arthritis?
The bangles are designed to assist or aid with joint pains. Our long distance frequency healing or personalized healing is more corrective in the long term.
How to clean your copper bangles?
You might notice that your bangles get tarnished, this is a result of your toxins been released. Gently scrub with warm soapy water until marks are gone.
Can I recharge my bangles?
If you feel the strength of the frequencies have diminished, please let us know and we will recharge. Postage to send and return at your cost.
The information contained in this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions regarding a medical condition or illness you should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional.